A picture of the capitol building with an american flag.

The Refund Recovery Team

The Refund Recovery Team is a small group of professionals that locate abandoned funds throughout the U.S. We have been trained by an attorney with extensive experience in the government held funds recovery business. Very often the agencies holding the assets have many specific requirements to get your claim, and we know just how to accomplish that. 

Our Mission

If a claim for your funds isn’t made in time, the funds often “escheat” to the agency holding them, meaning you can no longer claim them. This is your money and the government should never be able to take it from you. Once we locate unclaimed property, we make it our mission to reunite it with its rightful owner.

Our Vision

It would be great to see you reclaim the funds we have found for you! In this economy, everyone has a use for some extra money. What would you do with a nice, unexpected payday? Let’s make sure the government doesn’t end up with it!

We believe that private citizens losing their funds to faceless government agencies is completely unfair, and we are determined to prevent this from happening to anyone, especially you.